Examples of the kinds of people-related business needs we address include, but are not limited to:

  • Executive coaching - one-on-one and group 
  • Candidate recruiting and selection for key positions
  • Temporary HR executive/manager needs
  • Improving effectiveness of the talent selection process, including candidate assessment and talent selection skills training
  • Ineffective or non-existent Succession Planning process with development action planning for key people and high potential talent
  • Development of a Talent Management dashboard with key business metrics
  • Organization-wide Training Skills Needs Assessment with clear priorities 
  • Executive development and one-on-one executive coaching
  • Leadership and work group team development/building
  • HR policy development and policy, program and process audit/review
  • Employee recognition programs
  • Human Resources Department performance optimization
  • Issue-specific communication plans and on-going organization-wide plans
  • Retention plans for key people
  • Ineffective performance management plans and performance objectives
  • Employee engagement surveys and action plans
  • Cultural transformation initiatives
  • Talent Management strategic planning that is integrated with the business plan 
  • Organization design and structure
  • Due diligence for mergers/acquisitions and action plans for turnaround, divestitures and closures
  • Objective independent internal investigations